
Visualize a vision board collage centered around the theme of love, crafted in a Surrealist style. The collage could feature various elements that symbolize love such as hearts, cherubs, or passionate scenes. All of these should be amalgamated in a manner reminiscent of 19th-century Surrealism, with unexpected juxtapositions, dream-like scenarios, and a strong emphasis on the logic of dreams overriding the rules of the physical world.

Visualize a vision board collage centered around the theme of love, crafted in a Surrealist style. The collage could feature various elements that symbolize love such as hearts, cherubs, or passionate scenes. All of these should be amalgamated in a manner reminiscent of 19th-century Surrealism, with unexpected juxtapositions, dream-like scenarios, and a strong emphasis on the logic of dreams overriding the rules of the physical world.


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