
Create a surreal collage that incorporates various unusual and dream-like elements. Include a windswept desert with floating clocks, an apple with the transparency of a ghost, and a tree that sprouts not leaves but colorful butterflies. In the center, place a door leading to a stairway that descends into the ocean, with fishes swimming in and out. Capture the abstract and illogical nature characteristic of the Surrealistic movement, embraced with bold colors and audacious juxtapositions, using the medium of oil paint.

Create a surreal collage that incorporates various unusual and dream-like elements. Include a windswept desert with floating clocks, an apple with the transparency of a ghost, and a tree that sprouts not leaves but colorful butterflies. In the center, place a door leading to a stairway that descends into the ocean, with fishes swimming in and out. Capture the abstract and illogical nature characteristic of the Surrealistic movement, embraced with bold colors and audacious juxtapositions, using the medium of oil paint.


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